That's right. The time has come. Tuesday and Wednesday are all about getting to know parents and goal setting. I just read an email from my AP informing me that he will be out of the state for conferences this week. Cool. Good thing he told us ahead of time. Now all I can do is refer the parents who have more questions to him, but have them leave him a message. Now my only issue is how to tell parents who expect their kids to be reading chapter books, that no, your child can't read. And it's not my fault, it's not your fault, kids just learn at different paces. They aren't ready yet. We need to work on more building blocks before we can expect them to be reading. Because if you don't know your letter sounds, how the heck are you going to be able to read?
Interestingly enough, I don't actually remember learning how to read. Does anyone? My very quick and unscientific poll says most people don't. I also know that my kindergarten experience was WAY different from what the kids I am teaching went through last year. I was all about playing and singing and not about learning how to read yet.
Changing gears, we are just about to begin a new unit. Our first one was a bit of a disaster, thanks to district changes and us being out of the loop. Maps and Globes will be better. We've already begun planning and creating centers, and differentiating by skill levels. I love it when things start to come together! And I really hope we can find Flat Stanley (or Esteban el Plano) in time. It turns out the Spanish version has been out of print for a few years and most bookstores can't even get it. Scholastic has it, but I gave that job to a parent so I don't know what I'm doing there.
Also, being sick stinks. I keep calling kids by the wrong name. It's like medicine head, but worse because I can't take any additional meds but I've got all the bad effects anyway.
Bring on this week. I am so not feeling ready, but it's here anyway.