09 January, 2010

Anyone have tips on high achievers?

So I've got these 5 kids who are really reading and working at a second grade level. I keep trying to give them books at their level and assignments to challenge them, but I'm falling flat. No matter what I do, I hear "Srta! Terminado!" and they've finished two minutes after we started.

So as a grade we are taking out our top achievers and giving them 30 min of enrichment time with a teacher. I volunteered to start the planning for next week, but I didn't get it done before I left for my training on Friday and I've spend the day looking online. With little success. This whole RtI business is complicated and frankly, annoying. I'm all for differentiating- it's the best way to teach, but if you don't have the materials, it makes it tough.


04 January, 2010

I'm a terrible teacher...

I don't know how all my teachers ever did it. All the pictures, trinkets, etc are taking over my desk! I don't know where to put it all.... so I tend to bring it home and recycle it. TERRIBLE! I know! I know! It's terrible. But I know me and if I keep it, it will eventually take over everything. And that is NOT a good plan. To be fair, I don't toss them all. I have a few on the fridge at home, a few on the inside of the closets at school. That's all.

Also, I didn't get through my math lesson today. Hardly any of it. Do you know how complicated it is to teach quarter hours? Really, really, really complicated. Wish me better luck tomorrow.