Well it's been ages. Time does seem to fly for all the obvious reasons.
I've nearly made it through report cards again. We are staring down the end of the year and the stress just keeps coming. Can I do this again? Insert loads of self-doubt and frustration that never seems to go away.
The kids are doing ok too- we've just wrapped up our 4th unit and started our unit on Animals. This should be fun.
My school is interviewing for our Principal position on Wednesday, and I'm really hoping our panel sees a strong external candidate. My latest dealings with our current Ass. have left me feeling more confident about my choice to leave. I told one of my coworkers I was thinking about leaving. She was surprised but really supportive. "If it's time for you to go, fly and don't doubt yourself."
Sounds like a plan. 99 days 'till the last day.