The first response I get from native Seattleites when they hear I'm from Minnesota, is that "We're due for some mean weather this winter!" Yes, well unless it involves temperatures and windchills in the -20 degrees, I think I'll be fine. No need to get my Uggs shipped out. No need for my down coat.
But, then again, maybe I'll want my wool coat...I'll think about it.
So far, the worst of it has been the sunny days that are really windy and not warm in the least. I really find it hilarious when it's raining for more than an hour and I hear people on the bus say, "I can handle a little rain but this is getting ridiculous!" I'm sorry, but raindrops here are the size of...well, they're really really small. Not the nickle sized stuff we get in the Midwest. That rain will soak you in minutes. I can stand outside for 10 minutes, in the Seattle rain, and my fleece will only be a bit damp. That's a serious weather upgrade, if I do say so myself.
My big thing now is figuring out the fall/winter markets. I know some go year round, but haven't had a Sunday off in forever to look and see. I'm making time today. I need more produce of whatever kind I can get!
My friends and I are doing Thanksgiving and I'm looking forward to all the cooking. We should probably get some menu ideas going around. A few people wanted to try tofurkey, so I'll probably get one. I could do without it, but I've had worse main vegetarian dishes at Thanksgiving.
The biggest thing that will be missing from that day will be serving meals in the morning. I never thought I'd say it, but I love starting my day at 5am, directing the volunteers on Pumpkin Pie cutting, cranberry container filling, and dishing up meals for those who aren't lucky enough to be able to make their own. It's the one time of year I see many of those friends. It's become an important task in reminding me to be thankful every day. I've looked a bit out in Seattle and haven't found anyone doing anything like that. I'll keep searching!