22 September, 2009

Thirteen hours later...

So I think Back To School was a success. I had 7/20 parents show up. I got through all of the slide show. I was told to only give the info in English (rather than translating as I went along) because it would be faster (these are parents after my own heart- no time to tiptoe around the topics, just get to the point). I talked about math, literacy, homework, routines, and field trips. Guess what topic generated the most questions. Go on. No, not reading. No, not math. Nope, not even homework. Snack. Yes, 6/10 of my questions were regarding snack. What should we send? Is there anything that you really don't want? Should we send drinks? If I send apple sauce, do I need to send spoons? Can we do peanuts? What time is snack?

The other questions of the evening were: 1) How was the field trip to the nature center today? 2)If I want to help out, but can't be available during the day, can i still volunteer? 3) Can I give my child English spelling words during the week to do with me at home (eek, talk about a philosophical dilemma here....)? 4) Is it normal for my child to do work on their own but refuse to do anything in Spanish with me?

No kidding. 10 questions. All manageable. I answered # 3 by referring them to the assistant principal. And I got though all my slides. And even had time to let the parents play with the SMART board!

Too bad it was 13 hours at the building. I'm about to pass out....


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