01 November, 2009

Been a while- sorry!

Well, things have been happening, let me tell you.

I've had 4 confirmed H1N1 cases in my class, one case of Strep Throat, and 3 Influenza Like Illnesses. And 16 sneezy, runny nosed, coughing, and snot filled first graders the other days. We went through an entire box of kleenex in three days! So far I'm doing okay. I'm washing my hands, gargling with mouthwash the minute I get home from school to kill anything that may be lingering, you know, the usual.

We are getting new material for our English language development. Cheers to having a real curriculum! Also, we are getting some money from our budget to help make classroom libraries. There has been issues with how we are doing homework and I basically had to throw down. We are sending home one book each week (a paper copy, printed at school, usually on 3 pages front and back) and then every night the students have a different task to complete using their book. And we were getting told it was taking too much ink and resources to do this. I'm sorry but last year the homework was seven or eight pages every week, both sides. This is half the paper and ink usage. Good thing my team agrees with me- we are all banded together on this. Whew!

I've got two busy weeks coming up. It's time to send out Flat Stanleys out into the world! Esteban el Plano will be making his way to Argentina, Australia, Miami, Seattle, President Obama, Mylie Cyrus, the Jonas Brothers, and a few more. Should you be interested in receiving Esteban el Plano, send me your address and be ready to 1) Write us a short letter telling us what you did with Esteban, 2) take photos of Esteban in your city/at famous places/with you, 3) email me pics and the letter (in the interest of time). Also, I've got a two day training, one day of professional development, and two busy weekends. It's going to get crazy.

Alright, that's all for today. I promise to post at least once more this week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The coolest place for Esteban to go is the hospital, where he will learn how to stop the spread of illnesses, good tricks to taking icky medicine, and being friends with doctors and nurses so he isn't scared of stuff they have to do. I'm telling ya, that kid could learn a lot!