09 May, 2007

Quick update

I know it's been a while. I've been busy. I'm taking over almost all of the morning teaching and half of the afternons twice a week. Workload has increased. I'm teaching Literacy and HSIE(Social Sciences).

I've got new photos but haven't got them on my site yet. Hopefully tonight. I'll try my best. Tuesday was a month before my birthday. Missy Higgins (musician, piano and guitar) is touring for her new album and was in town here. I tried to get tickets when I first got here and they were sold out (except for obscured view). So as the concert date came closer I started looking for people selling them and Sandra and Jason gave me a great ticket to the show! Their friends Nikki and Brian were going to the show so I got a ride with them. It was awesome. There's some video if it will download. I loved it.

We're off to Sydney this weekend. Activiites include: Harbor Bridge Climb, "Priscilla the Desert Queen", and some market that people keep saying but I have no idea what the word is so I can't help you until I get back and will know more then.

Love you all!

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