26 April, 2007




First of all, ANZAC stands for Australia and New Zealand Army Corps. WWI brought both armies together and they went to Turkey to fight what ended up being a nearly futile battle. They were supposed to land at a beach and work through the terrain from there, but they missed the target and got to shore at cliffs with Turkish soldiers all over. Hundreds didn't even live to make it to shore because they were killed on the way in. April 25th is ANZAC Day. It's more grand than Memorial and Veteran's Day together. I went to a dawn service at the beach in Newcastle. Hundreds of returned service men and women (a few actually from Gallipoli, Turkey in 1915) marched in the street while even more stood in the pouring rain from 4-6am. They read a poem "Lest we Forget" and it nearly brought me to tears. After all the controversy with our Vet Hospitals, it has really made me think about how poorly we honor our soldiers when they come back.

Later that day they re-played the dawn service at the actual site of the battle, in Turkey. Australians and Kiwis had been lined up and camped out for four days before the service. If you have a resonable internet connection, try to find a video of the service online. It was beautiful. There was some controversy ten years ago when Turkey was making the formal memorial and people were outraged that graves were essentially being disturbed. The Turkish Government has done much to honor the soldiers and the site looks amazing.

That's about all for now. Have a good weekend everyone!

21 April, 2007

Dolphins and Footy

More photos!

My family here took us out on a cruise to Nelson Bay. There are 150 dolphins that live there year-round. Our boat had a boom net that we could lay in while we cruised around the bay. It was pretty neat. We got really close to one of the pods. Jason (my host dad) took a few great photos while I was chillin (literally, it was really cold water) in the boom net.

I am off to a footy match tonight. Footy= Rugby. Not to be confused with football= soccer or football= Australian Football (aka aerial ping pong. seriously. that was the response I got when I asked what it was. apparently it's related to Irish football, which I also didn't know existed). I think I got all of those right. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. I'm getting to know all the rules too. I am sure my Badger cheer skills will help no matter what ;)

Monday I have my training day at school and Tuesday I get to meet my kids! The school is just a quick walk from my house. (Sidenote, the one kind of shoe I didn't bring is any wellies or duck boots and turns out I have to walk through a big field each morning when it's all dewey. Oh well. I can't plan for everything).

I spent a little time today down in the city. There were speed boat races going on. There's a brewery right on the water and it looks like it'll be fun when it's not jam packed.

That's all for now. Cheers!


18 April, 2007

Newcastle and settling

There has been some inquiry for more information on dual flush toilets. Read this and Google Dual Flush Toilet to learn more.

As a side note, those who are posting comments, please remember that my students from Wingra will be reading this ;)

I've settled in my home. Sandra, my host mom, has been wonderful. She's a nurse at the hospital in town and has spent the last two days helping me get all my last minute shopping done. There was a little mix up with one of the other families for home stays and today she found a second family for my friend Anthony to stay with. She is great. Lily, the three year old daughter, has been fun. It's a good thing that just about all three year olds are hard to understand, because then I don't feel silly asking her to repeat herself! Thomas is 9 and I've been describing a lot about "America" to him. He's very curious about my home and my family. Jason, my host dad has been away on business, so I'll have more to say about him when he gets back.

Here's a list of all the people I know who have twins in Newcastle:
-John Norton
-Megan Moos
-Colleen Glandt
-more to come as I get out more.

Sunday we're going to a soccer game. One of the best players for the Newcastle Knights has been injured and if he plays again he could be paralyzed. SO we got tickets to his memorial game. It should be a fun time and I'll take lots of pictures.

Speaking of photos, if I did this correctly, you can see the first bit of photos here: http://picasaweb.google.com/JessicaMFried/AustraliaPart1

I'm also trying to figure out my international texting. We'll see how that goes.

Am thinking about you all!

16 April, 2007

Let the fun begin!!

Let's talk about toilets. As I learned at Wingra, the ocean currents flow differently in the northern and southern hemispheres. I was charged with reporting back to everyone which direction the toilets flush down here. So, after being in Sydney for six hours, I have much to report.

1) Toilets have two flushing options- half and whole flush (to conserve water since we're still in a 9 year drought). To accommodate these flushes, most toilets have been replaced.
2) As a result, toilets flush....downward. There is no swirl. It's kind of like a vacuum.
3) I tested a sink drain to see if that could give me some insight into non-technologically advanced drains, and (drum roll please.............) it drained counter clockwise! I tried it twice to make sure it wasn't a fluke. It wasn't.

SO, I don't know if toilets would flush counter clockwise if technology had not stepped in and taken over. If, in my travels, I come across an ancient toilet without the half/whole flush options, I'll update you again.

On a different note, my layover in Fiji (at 5am) was not what I expected. We were greeted by a 5 piece band serenading us. The duty and tax free stores weren't open, but we got a royal musical welcome. It was oddly wonderful. Too bad the weather was so bad (raining and very cloudy) because I didn't get to see the beautiful mountains I have heard so much about. I have two days at the end of my trip to do a little sight seeing around Nadi, so I hope the weather cooperates then.

On my flight to Sydney, I sat next to Xavier. Xavi is a delightful 4 year old boy. He introduced himself to me by saying "You're sitting by us. You're going back to Sydney too right??" I had to tell Xavi that I was going to Sydney for the first time, but that I was happy to sit by him. We chatted about Happy Feet (one of the feature movies for our flight) and his dinosaur coloring book (or should I say colouring book?) Needless to say, I was happy to spend that time with him, but after traveling for 18 hours, I needed a shower and was getting a little crabby. We said our goodbyes and waved over the baggage claim carriage.

Once through customs (no problems!!!) I carried my luggage to the bus stop. I needed to get to University of New South Wales. My friend lives here and I'm staying at her place. I found my way to her job on campus, got the keys to the apartment, and carried my stuff up a few flights of stairs.

I'm still somewhat surprised that I'm actually here. We had dinner on the beach. Drove to Bondi Beach (which is the most dangerous beach for surfing in Sydney due to a rip tide in the middle) and the South Head on the Tazman Sea. Gorgeous. Reminds me of the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland.

I'm tired. I should try to adjust to the schedule as quickly as I can. I'll write more once I get to my host family tomorrow night!!!
