09 January, 2010

Anyone have tips on high achievers?

So I've got these 5 kids who are really reading and working at a second grade level. I keep trying to give them books at their level and assignments to challenge them, but I'm falling flat. No matter what I do, I hear "Srta! Terminado!" and they've finished two minutes after we started.

So as a grade we are taking out our top achievers and giving them 30 min of enrichment time with a teacher. I volunteered to start the planning for next week, but I didn't get it done before I left for my training on Friday and I've spend the day looking online. With little success. This whole RtI business is complicated and frankly, annoying. I'm all for differentiating- it's the best way to teach, but if you don't have the materials, it makes it tough.


1 comment:

Ben said...

When I was in first grade the teacher took 4 kids into an after lunch group where we read chapter books and whatever else we wanted. If your kids are excited about reading you may only need to enable... Maybe just spend a couple minutes throwing together a list of a few good books that will be a real challenge to them to get them to struggle just a little bit.