09 August, 2009

Last week of summer holidays

So with leaving one job to start another, I ended up with only two weeks of summer vacation. Not nearly enough to get a good "back to school" paper written, but enjoyable none the less. Mini road trip, taking the dog for walks, enjoying the heat wave, and catching a few of the summer's flicks.

Since I have nearly three full weeks of training starting the 17th, I've got my calendar all highlighted and labeled. A tad on the type-A side, but it keeps me organized and makes it harder to forget things. Math training, new teacher orientation, district training/school and classroom setup. The last being the most stressful to me! I know that what a classroom looks like makes a huge impact on students and in setting the tone for the classroom. Unfortunately, I'm low on my Spanish posters and wall coverings. And actually, I'm just low on stuff in general! Not that I want to acquire useless teaching materials, but as this is my first year full time, I don't have all the files and books and posters and labels. So I just hope my school can provide the necessities and lets hope my bubble letters look okay on the wall!

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